Tim Hortons is undoubtedly a Canadian icon. But just because we love it, that doesn’t mean it’s always perfect. We all have those “ugh” moments, whether it’s a messed-up order or simply a poorly-stirred coffee.

Like any big chain, Tim’s has its fair share of quirks, which is fairly understandable given the sheer scale of its operations. We recently asked Montrealers what bugs them the most about Tim Hortons in Quebec, and let’s just say they had pretty big feelings about it. From language frustrations to order mistakes, the list of complaints came in fast.

That said, we’ve got to give a shout-out to the hardworking folks behind the counter. It can’t be easy juggling hundreds of orders a day under intense time pressure. Being kind and friendly goes a long way—especially when you’re desperate for that double-double to kickstart your morning!

With that in mind, here’s a rundown of the annoying things about Tim Hortons in Quebec that Montrealers just had to get off their chests.

Language issues

“When they say, ‘En français, s’il vous plaît. On est au Québec icitte!’ Yeah, that kind of makes me shift gears.”

“When they respond to you in French even though you spoke in English…”

“Another recent one is when they say, ‘Parle la langue, POINT!’ That one just makes me laugh.”

Language is always a hot topic in Quebec, and it’s apparently no different when it comes to ordering your coffee at Tim Hortons.

Some customers shared their frustration about being expected to order in French, especially if they initially tried to place their order in English. However, plenty of Montrealers were quick to point out that they see this as the correct way to order while in Montreal as a local.

Upselling overload

“I hate when employees ask me if I want a dozen other things than what I originally asked for…”

Upselling is part of the job for employees, but sometimes it’s fair to just want your coffee without the extras. When you’re in a rush, being asked if you want to add a bunch of things can feel a bit overwhelming.

No coffee sleeves

“They never give you a sleeve with your coffee or tea. Why do I have to constantly ask?! “

“They don’t automatically put a heat sleeve on their molecule-thick coffee cups, like ‘Here, have a 2nd-degree burn and a Cruller.’”

According to a whole bunch of Canadians, it’s a real annoyance to have to continuously ask for a sleeve for their hot drinks. After all, it’s not always easy to hold a steaming cup of hot tea or coffee while you’re driving or rushing to work.

Munchkins vs Timbits

“Since I live in CT and QC, hearing someone say Munchkins instead of Timbits drives me crazy.”

For those who split time between the U.S. and Quebec, this one hits close to home. In Quebec, they’re Timbits, plain and simple—so when someone calls them “Munchkins” (a term used by Dunkin’ in the U.S.), it can feel a little out of place.

The drive-thru experience

“Mic broken, speaker muffled, menu screen blank, and finding out miles away that they got your order wrong.”

The drive-thru should make life easier, but sometimes it feels like an obstacle course. From fuzzy microphones and muffled speakers to blank menu screens that leave you guessing, it’s not always smooth sailing. It’s the kind of drive-thru experience that makes you wonder if walking in might have been the better option!

Half-cut bagels and sandwiches

“No employee knows how to cut a bagel, toast, or sandwich all the way through, leaving the customer to pull it apart themselves and end up with uneven sides.”

When bagels or sandwiches aren’t fully cut, it can make pulling them apart a bit tricky. Not ideal if you’re driving or in a rush!

Unwanted extras

“When they put extra tomatoes when you ask for no tomatoes.”

It’s one thing to get tomatoes when you didn’t want them, but when you specifically ask for no tomatoes and end up with extra, it’s a whole other level of confusion.

Window waiting

“When you order drive-thru and they tell you to wait behind the window—WTF…”

Drive-thrus are supposed to be quick, but sometimes, instead of getting your order at the window, you’re asked to pull ahead and wait. However, if this is happening to you every time, maybe you’re better off going inside to order!

Incorrect orders

“How they never get my order right. How hard is no sauce?”

Some customers have pointed out that even simple requests, like “no sauce,” don’t always come out as expected.

Staff being unaware of new promotions

“Staff are unaware of the current promotions!”

When a new promotion or deal rolls out, some customers have noticed that staff might not always be aware of it right away. It can lead to a bit of confusion, especially when customers are looking forward to snagging a deal.

Of course, there are also a whole bunch of ways customers are frustrating Tim Hortons employees in return — and some of these might actually be creating issues for fellow customers, too!

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