Canada’s tax season is in full swing, and if you’re filing your 2024 federal tax return in Quebec, you’re probably wondering how to get the most out of it.

Whether you’re a parent in Quebec City, a student in Sherbrooke or juggling freelance gigs from your Plateau apartment, the Canada Revenue Agency has a few federal tax credits and deductions that could seriously help you out this year.

While most people are familiar with the basics of filing a tax return — like claiming your T4 or logging into your CRA My Account — there are some lesser-known federal tax credits and deductions that might apply to you that you might not even know about.

From tax breaks for using a home office to help with raising kids or paying off student loans, the 2024 income tax season in Canada is packed with potential ways to lower your bill or boost your refund. The catch? You need to know they exist.

So if you’re about to hit “submit” on your return — or you’re still procrastinating — you might want to take a quick scroll. We’ve rounded up 11 tax credits and deductions you might not even know you qualify for but that could save you some serious cash.

Child care expenses

Paying someone to watch your kid can be pricey — but come tax time, it might work in your favour. If you shelled out for child care in 2024 so that you could work or study, you could be eligible to deduct some of those costs on your federal tax return. This deduction only applies if your child lived with you when the care happened and was under 16 at the time — unless they have a physical or mental disability and depend on you regularly.

What you can get: This is a deduction, not a credit or refund, which means it helps lower the amount of income the government can tax you on. So while it doesn’t give you money back, your tax bill could shrink. You can claim what you paid to babysitters, day cares, summer camps and even schools — but only the fees that are specifically for care, not education. Extras like transportation, clothes and extracurriculars don’t count. And be careful who you pay — you can’t claim amounts paid to your partner, dependants or immediate relatives under 18 years old.

How to claim: To make it official, you’ll need to fill out Form T778 and plug your total on line 21400 of your return. If you paid an individual, make sure you have their SIN on the receipt. You don’t have to send your paperwork to the CRA unless they ask for it — but keep it filed away, just in case they do.

More about child care expenses

Canada Caregiver Credit

If you’re helping care for a loved one with a physical or mental impairment — whether it’s your child, spouse, partner or another close relative — you could qualify for the Canada Caregiver Credit. It’s a non-refundable tax credit, so it won’t get you a refund, but it can lower how much federal tax you owe, which is always a win.

What you can get: The amount you can claim depends on a few things — like your relationship to the person you’re supporting, their age, their net income and whether you’re stacking other tax credits. You could get $2,616 for a spouse or child under 18, or up to $8,375 for dependants who are 18 or older. Eligible relatives include your (or your partner’s) parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews — as long as they live in Canada and rely on you for basics like food, shelter or clothing.

How to claim: You’ll need to fill out Schedule 5 to report the details of who you’re supporting and how much you’re claiming. If you’re claiming for someone who already has a Disability Tax Credit Certificate (Form T2201), you probably don’t need new documentation. That said, don’t toss any medical paperwork — you don’t have to include it with your return, but the CRA might ask to see it later. Depending on your setup, there are different claim lines to use on your return: 30300, 30400, 30425, 30450 or 30500.

More about the Canada Caregiver Credit

Disability Tax Credit

Living with a long-term or serious disability often comes with extra costs — and the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is one way the government tries to ease that burden. It’s a non-refundable credit designed to reduce the amount of income tax you owe if you have a qualifying disability, or if you’re supporting someone who does.

What you can get: For 2024, the base amount is $9,872 for adults, and if the person is under 18, there’s a bonus supplement of $5,758 — bringing the total to $15,630. Since it’s non-refundable, it won’t land you a refund if you don’t owe taxes, but it can significantly cut your bill if you do. If the person with the disability doesn’t need the full credit themselves, they may be able to transfer any unused portion to a family member who helps support them financially.

How to claim: Before you can claim the credit, you’ll need to apply by submitting Form T2201 — that’s the Disability Tax Credit Certificate — to the CRA using the paper version or online through the CRA’s My Account. A medical professional has to fill out part of it, confirming the nature and duration of the disability. You can submit it anytime during the year, and once you’re approved, you can claim the credit on line 31600 of your return. Plus, if you were eligible in previous years but never applied, you might be able to claim it retroactively for up to 10 years.

More about the Disability Tax Credit

Interest paid on student loans

Still chipping away at your student loans? If you’re paying interest on a government-issued student loan, you might be able to cut down your tax bill a bit. But here’s the catch — only interest from official student loan programs, like those under Quebec Student Financial Assistance, qualifies. If your loan came from a bank or you rolled it into a line of credit, that interest doesn’t count.

What you can get: This is a non-refundable tax credit, so it helps reduce what you owe — but won’t score you a refund if your tax balance is already zero. You can claim interest paid in 2024, or go back and apply any unused interest from the past five years. If you’re not owing much this year, it might be smart to hold off and claim it in a future year when you do.

How to claim: You’ll need to enter the interest amount on line 31900 of your federal return. If you’re filing online, you’ll want to keep your proof of payment handy — the CRA might ask for it later. Filing on paper? Attach your documents showing the interest you paid. And remember: only the person who took out the loan can claim this — not your parents, not your partner, just you.

More about student loan interest

Tuition tax credit

If you were a student in 2024, your tuition could help lighten your tax load. While the federal education and textbook credits no longer apply (they were cut in 2017), the tuition part of this tax credit is still available. You can claim what you paid in eligible course fees — whether you studied in Canada or abroad — as long as the school and program qualify and you’ve got the right paperwork to prove it.

What you can get: This is a non-refundable credit, so it won’t get you a refund unless you owe taxes — but it can still lower your bill. You can claim tuition fees over $100 per school, and if you don’t use the full credit this year, you’ve got options: carry the rest forward to future tax years, or transfer up to $5,000 to a parent, grandparent or your spouse. The total credit depends on how much you paid and whether you’ve got unused amounts from before.

How to claim: Your school should issue you a T2202 form (or the international equivalent) — if you haven’t gotten it yet, check your online student account portal or your CRA My Account. You’ll need the form to fill out Schedule 11 and plug your total eligible amount into line 32300 of your federal return. If you’re transferring some of the credit, be sure to complete the transfer section on the form. You don’t have to send your receipts to the CRA unless they ask, but definitely keep them handy just in case.

More about tuition, education and textbook amounts

Canada Training Credit

Did you take a course or write a certification exam in 2024? The Canada Training Credit (CTC) could give you some cash back. It’s one of the few credits that’s actually refundable — meaning you can get money even if you don’t owe anything in taxes last year.

What you can get: You can claim up to 50% of your eligible fees or your CTC limit for the year — whichever is lower. For example, if you spent $1,000 and your limit is $500, you can claim $500. But if your limit is only $250, that’s your cap for the year. Over time, your limit can build up to $5,000, with $250 added each year you qualify — even if you didn’t take any training that year. Just make sure you were between 26 and 65 years old at the end of 2024, lived in Canada all year and earned enough income to open up that training credit room.

How to claim: Look up your Canada Training Credit limit on your latest CRA notice of assessment or in My Account, then enter your claim on line 45350 of your return. If you’re filing electronically, your tax software should guide you through it. Doing things the old-school way? You’ll need to fill out Schedule 11 from your tax package. If your credit is more than your tax owing, the CRA will pay you the leftover amount as a refund.

More about the Canada Training Credit

Canada Employment Amount

If you worked any kind of job in 2024 — full time, part time or just a summer gig — there’s a basic tax credit you can claim just for showing up to work. It’s called the Canada Employment Amount, and it’s meant to offset some of the everyday costs of having a job, like commuting or buying work clothes. The good news? You don’t need to keep any receipts. The not-so-good news? It only applies if you were an employee — self-employed folks are out of luck.

What you can get: You can claim up to $1,433 as a non-refundable credit, meaning it simply helps lower the amount of income tax you owe but won’t refund you if your tax owing is zero. If you earned less than $1,433 from your job last year, you can only claim the amount you actually made.

How to claim: Check your total employment income on lines 10100 and 10400 of your tax return. Then, on line 31260, enter whichever is lower — $1,433 or your income total. No paperwork needed, and no forms to fill out beyond your main return. Easy win.

More about the Canada Employment Amount

Canada Workers Benefit

If you’re working but not making a ton of money, the Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) is one tax credit you don’t want to miss. It’s designed to give low-income workers a bit of a financial boost — and it applies whether you’re single or supporting a family. There’s even a bonus for people who also qualify for the Disability Tax Credit.

What you can get: The CWB is refundable, which means it gets paid to you even if you don’t owe anything in taxes. For 2024 in Quebec, you can get up to $3,705.38 if you’re single, or up to $5,778.52 for couples and families — plus up to $827.72 extra if you’re eligible for the disability supplement. The amount you get depends on your income and where you live, with Quebec having different amounts and thresholds than the rest of Canada. If your income is too high, the benefit phases out gradually.

How to claim: You’ll claim the CWB when you file your federal return — tax software will walk you through it, or you can fill out Schedule 6 if you’re filing by hand. The CRA will send you about half of your benefit with your tax refund and the other half early through three advance payments in July, October and January — as long as you file your return by November 1.

More about the Canada Workers Benefit

Home office expenses

If your employer required you to work from home in 2024, you might be able to claim a deduction for some of your home office expenses. To qualify, you need to have covered those costs yourself, and there should have been at least a verbal or written agreement with your employer, although it doesn’t need to be in your contract. Portions of your rent, electricity, internet and maintenance can all count, depending on how much space you used and how often you worked there.

What you can get: This is a deduction, not a tax credit, so it helps reduce your taxable income — not give you money back directly. The amount you can claim depends on how big your workspace was relative to your home, how many hours you used it for work last year and what expenses you’re including. You can’t deduct your full rent or bills, but you can write off a portion — say, 10% if your office takes up 10% of your home. Just remember, the COVID-era temporary flat-rate method is gone, so you’ll need to use the original detailed method going forward.

How to claim: Start by getting Form T2200 signed by your employer. Then, use Form T777 to calculate your eligible expenses. You’ll report the final total on line 22900 of your return under “Other employment expenses.” The CRA also has an online calculator to help you crunch the numbers. Keep all your receipts and records for at least six years — the CRA could ask for proof later.

More about home office expenses

Home Buyers’ Amount

If you bought your first home in 2024, you might be able to snag a little tax break thanks to the Home Buyers’ Amount. This one’s for first-time buyers — meaning you (and your spouse or common-law partner) haven’t owned a home that you lived in during the last four years. However, if you qualify for the Disability Tax Credit, you could still be eligible even if you owned a home more recently. The home has to be in Canada, and it can be anything from a house or condo to a townhouse or mobile home — as long as you move in within a year of buying it.

What you can get: This is a non-refundable tax credit worth up to $1,500. It doesn’t go in your pocket as cash, but it can help shrink your tax bill significantly. You can claim a deduction of up to $10,000 of your income for the purchase of an eligible home in 2024, and if you bought the house with someone else, you can split the credit — just keep in mind the total can’t go over $10,000 between the two of you.

How to claim: To claim it, enter $10,000 on line 31270 of your tax return. If you’re sharing the credit with a partner or co-buyer, make sure you don’t both claim the full amount. You don’t need to send any documents when you file, but hang on to your purchase paperwork in case the CRA comes knocking later.

More about the Home Buyers’ Amount

Donations & gifts

If you donated money, goods or property to a registered charity or other eligible organization last year — or by February 28, 2025 — you can claim it on your 2024 return. You can also claim donations from the past five years, or up to 10 years for ecological gifts, as long as you haven’t already used them. To qualify, the donation has to go to a recognized donee, like a registered charity or government body. If you’re not sure, you can double-check on the CRA’s list of qualified donees.

What you can get: This is a non-refundable tax credit, so it helps lower the amount of tax you owe but won’t give you a refund on its own. You can typically claim up to 75% of your net income in donations — or 100% for gifts of capital property. You don’t have to use the credit right away either. If it works out better for your taxes, you can carry unused donations forward for up to five years. Just make sure each donation is only claimed once.

How to claim: Use Schedule 9 to calculate your total donations. The amount from line 23 goes on line 34900 of your return. If you’re using carry-forward amounts from past years, those have to be claimed first before anything from 2024. Keep all your receipts — if you’re filing online, the CRA might ask for them later. If you’re mailing your return, include Schedule 9 but hold onto the receipts.

More about donations and gifts

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