Some people are gifted with incredible intelligence, and others have profound intuitive or psychic abilities. But what happens when a person has both? These star signs blend discernment and intuition, leading to wise instincts, spiritual insights, witty problem-solving, and powerful auras. 

Read on to discover what zodiacs have the rare combination of genius and intuition, according to expert astrologers.

Which Zodiac Signs Are Intelligent and Intuitive?

Read for your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.


Virgo is known for its planetary rulership over Mercury, the planet of cerebral matters. Unsurprisingly, they have exceptional memory, processing, and data-analyzing skills. With their sharp intellect, they can solve any dilemma, even if, at times, they are prone to overthinking or being overly critical of themselves.

Their intuition is also an essential facet of their personality, though. While they often credit their insights for pure logic, there’s more than meets the eye. Beneath the surface, this grounded personality also can know things without rhyme or reason. Associated with claircognizance, or the spiritual gift to download information from divine sources, they can psychically resolve situations. They often overlook their abilities, accrediting them to their learned skills, and do not understand a more spiritual aspect is at play. If they pay close attention, they’ll take notice more often. 

READ: The Most Psychic Zodiac Signs Ranked, According to Astrologers


This Water sign is capable of powerful insights. With strong perception skills, they read beyond the surface others present. This makes them good judges of character. Motivated by a deep desire to attain emotional control and to remain the most informed, they tend to develop powerful psychic abilities coupled with strong pattern recognition and discernment.

If you think you can trick a Scorpio, good luck. They tend to be ten steps ahead, investigating the nitty gritty details and taboos others are too scared to look at. Taboos and dark sides don’t scare them. They have a hard time trusting unless one makes their vulnerabilities apparent. This zodiac sign will go to the ends of the earth to solve mysteries, big or small, so know their rare mix of genius intuition isn’t something to undermine.

NEXT: How You’re Spiritually Gifted, Based on Zodiac Sign


Aquarius is a trendsetter, using their foresight to predict what humanity craves to see next. Their strong intellectual reasoning is evident in all they do. However, beneath the surface, they also manifest with their intuition. They may write off their predictive powers and abilities as mere lucky guesses, but they are also spiritually gifted. 

Marked as the sign corresponding with innovation, Aquarius isn’t here to follow the status quo. You’ve probably heard that we’re entering the Age of Aquarius. This boils down to interpreting that humanity is eager to question authority, rewriting the script, and shifting social norms. Quirkiness is becoming not only tolerated but sought after. During this era of profound evolution, Aquarius leads the masses with their strengths.

Related: How to Connect with Your Intuition, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

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