A Jubilee Celebration in London

A Jubilee is the anniversary of when a Sister entered or professed vows in her religious community. We have a big celebration each year for Sisters celebrating their various year anniversaries.

A sunny late September afternoon was the ideal setting to honor our Jubilarians of 50, 60 and 70 years of faith-filled service to God and the dear neighbor. Friends and family members joined our Sisters for the celebration of the eucharist, followed by a festive dinner.

Throughout their lives, our five jubilarians embraced a wide variety of ministries.  These works include education, health care, outreach to seniors in nursing homes, retreat work, service to the poor and hungry. Other endeavors entail ministry to people in Peru, Nairobi, Yellowknife and Northwest Territories.

In this season of thanksgiving, we are grateful to God for bringing us together to celebrate and rejoice in the faith commitment and dedication of Sisters Maureen Meloche, Theresa Piva, Mary Sharon Kennedy, Diane Naud and Teresa Ryan.     

-Sister Jean Moylan, CSJ

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