You probably think you know everything about your partner—their favorite snacks, the books that make them cry, and the movies that make them laugh until they cry. But how much do you really know about the person you share your life with? Well, there’s no better way to find out than a couples quiz.

These 87 questions from couples therapists and relationship experts are designed to get you both talking, laughing, and maybe even learning something surprising about each other. And this isn’t just for relationships that are just starting out—no matter how long you’ve been together, you can always learn something new. If you’re ready to put your relationship knowledge to the test and see just how well you know your partner (always a fun game!), dive into these couples trivia questions and find out!

Related: Cut Out the Silence! 200 Questions Every Couple Should Ask Each Other

How We Chose the Questions

“Everything can be solved in life by asking the right questions,” says couples therapist Sofie Roos. “The problem is that we don’t do that or we fail to ask the right ones.”

Roos tells us that, perhaps most importantly, the right questions lead to the right answers—for you. With the right questions, you’ll find out if your partner’s answers jibe with your own. The answers can show whether you’re a match or a miss. Or, to be a little less deep about it, they can help you learn a bit more about the person you’re into.

These questions are sure to bring about the answers you seek—whether it’s your first date or you’ve been together for years.

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Best Couples Quiz Questions

The first 12 questions come directly from Roos:

1. Do you feel any pressure from family, friends or me that you don’t like or agree on, for example about marriage, kids, pets or where and how to live?

2. Tell me about your biggest turn ons and turn offs or green flags and red flags.

3. When you’re angry and sad, how do you prefer to be treated?

4. What do you find really sexy that most people don’t think about?

5. Tell me about something you’re really proud of.

6. What is something you’ve always wondered about me but never asked?

7. What made you fall in love with me?

8. How do you see yourself as a person? From good to bad, the full spectrum.

9. What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

10. If you didn’t need to care about money, what would you do?

11. Why did the relationship break with your ex/exes?

12. Is there any way we could take our relationship to the next level?

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Basic Questions

Relationship expert Audrey Hope suggests questions 13 to 21:

13. What is your pet peeve?

14. What do I do that you can’t stand? That drives you crazy?

15. What did you never tell me for fear I would get hurt?

16. What is your life purpose and goal?

17. What is the most important thing, what matters most to you in your life?

18. What is your most painful experience in childhood?

19. How was your parents’ relationship?

20. What did your mom teach you about love?

21. What did your dad teach you about love?

Related: 275+ Deep Questions to Ask a Guy or Girl—Or Really Anyone You Want to Know Better

Questions About the Past

Angelika Koch, relationship expert at Taimi, suggests multiple ways to learn your partner’s history in questions 22 to 28:

22. What is your favorite memory of us?

23. What is your favorite childhood memory?

24. If there was a childhood memory that you could relive, what would that be and why?

25. What moments stand out the most when we first met?

26. What was your first thought when you saw me for the first time?

27. What is something you did when you were a kid that you wish you still did?

28. What is something you did when you were a young adult that you wish you still did?

Related: 25 Relationship Check-In Questions for You and Your Partner

Psychiatrist Brook Choulet, M.D., brings us the next four:

29. What was the name of your first pet?

30. Where did you go to high school and college?

31. What was the make and model of your first car?

32. What was your first concert?

Questions About the Future

Rachel DeAlto, relationship expert at Stir, proposes asking the next nine questions:

33. Where do you see us living in five years?

34. What’s one major goal you’d love for us to accomplish together?

35. Do you picture us having pets, kids, or both in the future?

36. What kind of adventures or trips would you love to experience with me?

37. How do you think our relationship will change as we grow older?

38. What’s something new you’d like to try together in the next year?

39. What’s your biggest dream for the future of our relationship?

40. What kind of legacy would you like to leave behind?

41. How do you feel about moving to a new city or country someday?

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Psychiatrist Brook Choulet, M.D. is back with suggestions for numbers 42-46.

42. What’s your dream job? 

43. Where’s your dream vacation? 

44. When do you want to retire?

Questions about Values

45. Do you believe people can change?

46. Do prioritize your personal or professional life more?

Relationship expert Audrey Hope returns with questions 47 through 66:

47. Who is your role model? Who do you admire? Who would you like to be like?

48. What code of ethics do you live by?

49. What are your spiritual beliefs?

50. Who would you vote for?

51. Is there life after death?

52. Do you believe in karma?

53. Do you forgive easily?

54. What is your greatest fear?

55. Who are you angry with from the past?

56. What is your weakest trait?

Questions About Lifestyle

57. What’s your ideal daily routine look like?

58. How do you prioritize self-care, and how can I support you in that?

59. What’s your favorite way to relax after a long day?

60. What’s your approach to balancing work, social life, and personal time?

61. How do you prefer to celebrate holidays or special occasions?

62. What’s your view on the importance of fitness and health in our lifestyle?

63. How do you feel about budgeting and managing finances as a couple?

64. What’s one hobby or activity you’d love for us to try together?

65. How do you handle stress, and how can I best support you when you’re overwhelmed?

66. What’s your ideal weekend look like, and how can we make it happen together?

Related: 155 Fun and Spicy ‘Hot Seat Questions’ to Ask Your Friends, Partner or Coworkers

Fun Couples Questions

Brook Choulet is back with two fun questions to ask each other:

67. Whose side of the closet is more organized?

68. What is your go-to karaoke song?

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Michelle M. Pillow, romance author, supplies questions 69 through 87:

69. If you could have dinner with any celebrity, who would it be?

70. What would be your superpower?

71. If you could be an animal for a day, which one would you be?

72. What is your go-to karaoke song?

73. What would you do if they were invisible for a day?

74. If you could time travel, where would you go?

75. What is your weirdest habit?

76. What is your guilty pleasure TV show, movie or book?

77. What food would you eat every day if you could?

78. If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?

Related: 350 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Questions About Romance and Intimacy

79. How do you prefer to be shown love—through words, actions or gifts?

80. What is your idea of the perfect date?

81. What is one small gesture you finds irresistibly romantic?

82. How do you define intimacy?

83. What is your favorite love song?

84. What was the most romantic gesture you’ve ever experienced?

85. What’s your favorite type of flower or romantic gift?

86. What is your love language?

87. What is your favorite way to relax and connect with me?

Up Next:

Related: 50 Interesting Questions to Text a Guy or Girl That’ll Get the Conversation Going

Expert Sources

  • Sofie Roos, couples therapist
  • Audrey Hope, relationship expert 
  • Angelika Koch, relationship expert at Taimi
  • Brook Choulet, M.D., psychiatrist 
  • Rachel DeAlto, relationship expert at Stir
  • Michelle M. Pillow, romance author
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