A lot of people – including some close to me – have recommended that I be softer in my approach to illustrating the differences between BIG Media and other news platforms.

They believe it reflects poorly on me and BIG Media Ltd. when I direct harsh criticism toward news media rivals.

They believe it is unwise to write articles such as these:

One of my friends – who happens to be one of Canada’s most popular news broadcasters – even took issue with my “How They Fool Ya” parody despite my amazing singing 😉  – suggesting it was unfair, given the good journalism they produce. At least I recruited my son Nick to record an improved rendition.

My feeling is that inaccurate news coverage is at the heart of many of society’s greatest ills.

I believe that if news organizations covered such topics as pandemics, climate change, war, and politics with accuracy, integrity, and critical context, there would be a lot less division in our society — and, at the end of the day, a lot less people dying early.

I believe with all of my heart that lives are at stake, and that it is vital we help people understand the deep harm caused by sensationalism and bias.

I believe that a news organization that covers the big issues with great accuracy and transparency is desperately needed, and that bold language is required to adequately convey the difference between responsible and irresponsible journalism.

I believe that it should be OK for me to make bold claims about the accuracy of BIG Media Ltd’s news coverage as long as I invite scrutiny and practise intellectual humility … ‘Far right’ label is correct in one regard, Yes, you can be boastful AND intellectually humble, BIG Media is #1 in news accuracy – prove me wrong!

What are your thoughts? Should I be kinder to other news companies? Would you be more likely to subscribe to BIG-Media.ca if I were to play nice and avoid making bold claims?

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