Quebec is cracking down on no-shows at restaurants, and if you have a habit of booking multiple spots and ditching, you might want to rethink your approach.

On March 19, the provincial government announced plans to let restaurants charge a fee for last-minute no-shows, aiming to curb financial losses for the industry.

In a press release, Justice Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette and Minister for the Economy Christopher Skeete revealed the proposal. Under the new rules, groups of five or more who fail to show up for a reservation could be charged up to $10 per person.

“The ghost reservation phenomenon has grown significantly in recent years,” Jolin-Barrette said. “Some restaurants have started charging fees, and it became essential to regulate the practice to prevent abuse and ensure fairness for both customers and business owners.”

Restaurants would need to follow strict guidelines before imposing the fee:

  • Customers must be able to cancel for free up to three hours before their reservation.
  • Restaurants must inform diners in advance that a no-show fee could apply.
  • A reminder must be sent between six and 48 hours before the scheduled reservation.
  • Customers must have access to an easy way to cancel at any time.
  • The charge would only apply if the entire group fails to show up.

The regulation is currently in its pre-publication phase in the Gazette officielle du Québec. If implemented, it could help restaurants recover from an issue that costs the industry millions annually. According to the Association Restauration Québec, the average restaurant loses $49,000 a year due to no-shows, with some reporting losses of up to $100,000.

Quebecers appear to support the change — nearly 70% favour financial penalties for ghost reservations, according to a recent Léger survey.

For now, you can still flake on dinner plans without consequence. But if this proposal moves forward, standing up a restaurant could hit your wallet just as hard as your conscience.

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