Looking for the perfect biblical character for a prestige TV show? Look no further than King David. The backstory of the guy is loaded with action, drama and political intrigue. He dealt with literally insane, murderous bosses and ungrateful kids. He made his share of mistakes, too, but David was still considered a man after God’s own heart.

Well, Amazon’s Prime Video is now offering its viewers—Christian and secular alike—an opportunity to dive into David’s story (with a bit of extra-biblical material added to the broth) with House of David.

Kennedy Unthank recently had a chance to interview series creator Jon Erwin and some of the show’s stars. We’ll listen to a few of those conversations and talk about the show itself.

Granted, some of you might be a little behind in your television watching. Why? Because you’re in the middle of Plugged In’s 2025 Screen Fast, of course! As a matter of fact, there’s just a couple of days left to go. I went on my own screen fast a few weeks ago and, if you’re like me, you’re ready to pick up your phones again. But you might not want to return to your same old habits. How do you engage with your screens in a more healthy, less obsessive way? We’ll talk about that very subject with Emily Tsiao and Jonathan McKee.

So take a listen, won’t you? And then, chime in with your own thoughts. Are you watching House of David? Are you watching anything at all? How did your own screen fast go? Let us know on Facebook and Instagram, or write us a missive at You can leave a message at The Plugged In Show homepage, too.

And join us next week when Adam Holz returns to the host’s chair to talk about how to have a family movie night.

The post Episode 277: ‘House of David.’ Plus, the Screen Fast Is Almost Over! Now What? appeared first on Plugged In.

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