Germany and Britain Issue Warnings About Traveling to America – Image Credit Unsplash+
Excerpt from The Independent
News of ugly travel experiences and anger at the US are expected to have major negative impacts on America’s tourism industry
Britain and Germany have issued new warnings to their citizens about traveling to the U.S. in the wake of some visitors’ horrifying experiences coming to the country in the shadow of Donald Trump’s crackdown.
Britain recently revised its advice for citizens heading to the U.S., which includes a warning that anyone found breaking the country’s entry rules could face arrest or detention, and that laws are “strictly” enforced, Reuters reported.
Germany, too, on Wednesday updated its travel advisory to the U.S. to emphasize that a visa or entry waiver does not guarantee entry to the country after several Germans were recently detained at the border.
Updated British advice for travelers to America warns: “You should comply with all entry, visa and other conditions of entry. The authorities in the U.S. set and enforce entry rules strictly. You may be liable to arrest or detention if you break the rules.”
Rebecca Burke, a 28-year-old graphic artist from Britain. was held for 19 days in a U.S. facility when she tried to enter the country, even though she believed she had followed the correct procedure.
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