A couple of days ago, a conscientious Plugged In user wrote to us at letters@.com, letting us know that Google’s AI-empowered search was telling lies about us.
Essentially, she was asking what movies Plugged In would recommend for families, and it was telling her that Plugged In really thought highly of One of Them Days, Den of Thieves 2: Pantera and Better Man.
Well. First off, all those movies are rated R—and it’s hard for Plugged In to praise R-rated movies for being family friendly. Second, we don’t really “recommend” movies at all. We have some strong opinions, of course, but our main purpose is to give you, the reader, all the information you need to make a good, strong decision about what’s appropriate for you and your family.
Our own search using Google’s AI turned up similar results. So with that in mind, we thought we’d record a nice, quick little video for you.
Why? Well, we want to let you know that, no, we are not suggesting that you take your 5-year-old to Nosferatu. Also, our own experience with Google’s AI makes us mindful how we should all treat AI—which is still very much in its toddler stage.
So take a look and listen to Bret Eckelberry and Emily Tsiao as they discuss Google’s AI thoughts about Plugged In—and our own thoughts about artificial intelligence.
The post Google AI Doesn’t Understand Plugged In appeared first on Plugged In.