In the push to eliminate single-use plastic bags from grocery stores, most retailers have already transitioned to paper and reusable bags. Some retailers might charge a small fee per paper bag used, however, it’s the reusable bags that tend to come with more bang for your buck. Trader Joe’s, for instance, is a prime example with its wide variety of reusable totes of all shapes, sizes and materials available for purchase upon checkout.
And while Trader Joe’s has effortlessly dominated the personalized grocery tote space for some time now, everybody’s favorite Asian/Korean market is entering the fold with an array of reusable shopping bags of its own. That’s right, if you’re already a fan of H Mart, then the popular grocers newest selection of recyclable shopping bags will only further solidify your feelings about the brand.
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We came across news of the new bags’ arrival, thanks to a post shared by H Mart on Instagram, describing the release as the “ultimate state bag collection.” The video goes on to explain that bags can be found at the checkout counter, giving shoppers the chance to “rep your state in style.”
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According to H Mart, each store only sells its state’s exclusive bag, so a little leg work is in the cards for those of you who would like to start a collection. “Each state has its own vibe,” notes the narrator of the video shared online, “and every bag tells a story that’s got your story on it.”
Before we continue any further, it is important to note that these bags are made of recyclable plastic, and while this material isn’t necessarily guaranteed to be easy to recycle, it’s a whole lot better than the traditional plastic bags we used to get mountains of for free.
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Naturally, fans from all over the country have taken the opportunity to add discourse to the comment section of H Mart’s post, claiming that they have been patiently waiting for the grocers arrival in their own city.
“H Mart giving me permission to go on a vacation to all these states,” one viewer wrote in jest. “They are going after Trader Joe’s,” another added.
As of right now, the price per bag has not been disclosed. However, it is truly a life saver to have a couple reusable totes of your own designated for grocery hauls. So whatever the price may be, it still acts as a valuable investment for the future.
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