Most sensations in the body don’t occur by accident. Typically, the body is trying to communicate something deeper to us—whether that be an underlying medical condition or an important spiritual message. If your left palm has been itching, there could be more to it than you might realize. Parade is breaking down the left hand itching spiritual meaning, with help from two spiritual gurus. 

Both Kamela Hurley, host of the podcast ENERGY SECRETS: Unleashing Secrets for Health, Wealth, and Relationships and Cassie Spires, author of Believe in Love: A Journey Through the Energy of You, had much to say about an itchy left hand, its spiritual meaning and how it may be connected to the chakras.

Through her work, Spires promotes a deeper awareness of the self through a better understanding of the subtle nature of the human experience. Hurley works deeply in the spiritual realm as an evidential medium, medical medium, channeler, energy healer and akashic hypnotherapist.

The left hand itching spiritual meaning may differ across varying cultures, religions and traditions. Keep reading to unveil the curtain behind an itchy left palm, and what it may symbolize in your life. 

Related: What an Itchy Right Hand Means Spiritually, According to Experts

Left Hand or Palm Itching? Here’s What It Mean Spiritually

“Ancient wisdom and modern mystics believe the body is a sacred map that can reveal omens and signs of destiny,” Hurley says. “The left side of the body represents feminine energy, which is about attracting and receiving. Many consider itchy left hands to indicate incoming abundance, good fortune and luck.”

It has long been believed the left palm is lucky for money. Thus, the left palm itching may very well be a spiritual sign of incoming money or abundance in some other form. It may also be a sign that a new beginning is on the horizon, or some type of success is near. 

“The itchy sensation may have much much more to do with the way we are feeling about what we are believing in regards to the balance of giving and receiving occurring in our lives,” Spires adds.

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Itchy Palms and Your Energy Chakras

Chakras refer to the different energy points in our body. Each chakra is associated with nerve bundles, organs or glands and influences our emotional and spiritual states. For example, the heart chakra serves as our center of love.

Hurley tells Parade that the chakras map to the palms, so there may be a direct correlation between itchy palms and your energy chakras. However, the exact location of the itch is important to pay attention to.

“If the center of your palms feels tingly or itchy, then you could see signs of spiritual awakening or energetic upgrade,” Hurley explains. “If your pinky finger is itchy or tingling, this is connected to the heart chakra and could indicate increased focus on love and relationships. An itchy lower hand or wrist is connected to the root chakra and can represent increased abundance and good fortune.”

Since the palms are believed to be connected to the heart chakra, Spires stresses the importance of self-reflection when experiencing itchy palms.

“Asking ourselves skillful questions about our current life experiences around love of self and others, connection, forgiveness and gratitude will reveal more about what we are manifesting into our life, and how our body is guiding us in that process,” she says.

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Medical Interpretations of Itchy Palms

Although itchy palms may very well be a spiritually activated message, it’s important to first rule out any possible medical conditions. Take note of any physical symptoms on the surface of your skin. Seek professional medical help if you are experiencing incessant itchy palms.

Potential medical interpretations of itchy palms include: 

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Allergies
  • Diabetes
  • Cirrhosis
  • Nerve disorders
  • Dry skin
  • Impetigo
  • Reactions to medication
  • Scabies

Up Next:

Related: 30 Money Affirmations and Money Mantras To Attract Wealth


  • Cassie Spires – Connect via Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Check out her podcast.
  • Kamela Hurley – Connect via her website, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. Check out her podcast on Spotify and Apple. 
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