This week’s episode of The Amazing Race 37 saw the remaining 11 teams continue their Japanese journey, heading into Osaka. There, they were faced with an offer to receive the Express Pass, a game-changing power to skip one task of their choice that led to a heated Roadblock showdown for the teams at the top. At the Detour, some teams (quite literally) folded, as struggles across the board led to yet another tough elimination.

Check out our spoiler-filled recap below to find out who went home from the race on The Amazing Race 37 tonight.

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Who was eliminated in The Amazing Race 37 Week 3 tonight?

Courtney Ramsey (L) and Jasmin Carey (R)

Sonja Flemming/CBS

Courtney Ramsey and Jasmin Carey – Dating nurses

Throughout their time on The Amazing Race, nurses Courtney and Jasmin talked up how they were able to maintain calm under pressure. Unfortunately for the couple, they had to put that to the test often on the race. They got their first elimination scare early on, as taxi troubles in Hong Kong had them scraping out a second-to-last finish, due to good strategy in the “Fork in the Road.” While the two had a solid middle-of-the-road finish in Leg 2, it was a bounce back to the bottom for Leg 3. Courtney and Jasmin struggled getting into Osaka, and difficulties finding a taxi yet again put them in the back of the pack. And Courtney’s struggles in the Roadblock put them further behind, keeping their chances of staying up in the air like a kemari ball. While the two valiantly made up time on the Detour, it was not enough to stop the nurses’ chances of winning the million dollars from flatlining.

Which teams finished at the top of The Amazing Race 37 Week 3 tonight?

Scott and Lori Thompson continued their upward ascent in the race. The married couple filled the leg with strategic choices, from choosing not to go for the Express Pass to switching Detours after only a few tries, to finish at the top in Leg 3. Carson McCalley and Jack Dodge were once again top finishers, hitting the mat mere minutes after Scott and Lori. And in third place were Jonathan and Ana Towns, who were able to net the Express Pass for their team by both completing the Roadblock.

Related: Everything to Know About The Amazing Race 37

Which teams finished at the bottom of The Amazing Race 37 Week 3 tonight?

Han and Holden Nguyen came into the leg with a plan to make up time after their early-game struggles. And they were able to do so, as Holden’s soccer skills had him passing a number of teams in the Roadblock. Unfortunately, all that momentum got stopped at the Detour, as their struggles in both folding and communication had them falling to the back of the pack again. But the team that just barely survived elimination this time was Bernie Gutierrez and Carrigain Scadden. Carrigain’s struggles in the Roadblock had the friends falling behind, and their difficulties mastering ninja weapons had them actually switching Detours in last place. But, while they admitted on the mat it wasn’t their day, they were able to live to see another one.

Who’s left this season on The Amazing Race 37?

–Alyssa Borden and Josiah Borden – Married nurse anesthetists

–Bernie Gutierrez and Carrigain Scadden – Friends

–Brett Hamby and Mark Romain – Married Vegas performers

–Carson McCalley and Jack Dodge – Best friends and gamers

–Han Nguyen and Holden Nguyen – Siblings

–Jonathan Towns and Ana Towns – Married parents

–Melinda Papadeas and Erika Papadeas – Mother and daughter

–Nick Fiorito and Mike Fiorito – Brothers

–Jeff “Pops” Bailey and Jeff Bailey – Father and son

–Scott Thompson and Lori Thompson – Married parents of eight sons

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