With prices for everything from groceries to entertainment skyrocketing, many Montrealers are cutting back on the stuff they once enjoyed.

MTL Blog recently asked our audience, “What’s gotten so expensive in Montreal that you no longer purchase it?” The response was significant, with hundreds of people responding within just a few hours.

From groceries to entertainment to vacations, it’s clear that Montrealers are feeling the squeeze, and it’s a hot topic that’s resonating across the country.

Here’s a closer look at what Montrealers say they’re no longer spending money on because the cost is just too high.

Dining out

It’s no surprise that dining out was one of the top things people in Montreal said they’ve cut back on. Whether it’s a night out at a fancy steakhouse or just grabbing a sub, many Montrealers feel like eating out has lost its appeal due to inflated prices and steep tipping expectations.

“We don’t dine out. Dinner and tip expectations beyond the norm just make it no fun at all,” one person shared.

Somebody else said, “Steakhouse prices are off the charts now. Used to be a much more affordable treat.”

Another added, “Eating out in restaurants has become so expensive. Hell, even buying a sub is so expensive now, and on top of it, the tipping point is seeing tips on the PoS (incl. at Starbucks).”

“Restaurants: Tax plus tip nearly doubles [the bill], and it isn’t worth it. Also, the overly high auto tipping on everything has made even takeout a problem,” another person pointed out.

Even orange juice from the iconic Orange Julep was given a mention for being too expensive these days.

Entertainment and activities

Movies and Habs games are also taking a hit. Many shared that they’re no longer heading out to the movies, visiting Montreal museums, or attending Canadiens games due to high ticket prices.

“Habs games, movies, and concerts,” one person listed, with many others agreeing.

Another complained about how even a simple night out at the movies has become unaffordable: “Movie tickets and popcorn.”

Concert tickets were another hot topic, with many Montrealers feeling like they’ve been priced out of seeing their favourite artists live.

Parking and transportation

Getting around the city isn’t cheap, either. Parking prices, in particular, were a big gripe.

“Parking at a shopping center,” someone shared, while another added, “Parking downtown.”

Public transportation isn’t always a better deal, and Uber prices are leaving people frustrated, too.

“Horribly expensive to get around Montreal via Uber. I was there for 24h a few weeks ago and spent more on transportation than actual food and physical products,” someone said.


Unsurprisingly, groceries were among the most-mentioned products that have become too expensive in Montreal, with many commenters describing food as unaffordable in 2024.

One of the most common responses to our question was steak. Many shoppers are no longer splurging on this once-favourite item due to its high cost.

It’s not just steak; other grocery items are also being left behind. Avocados, smoked meat, eggs, olive oil, salmon, coffee, bottled water, beer and cheese were frequently mentioned as items that have become too pricey to buy regularly.

Everyday expenses

Unsurprisingly, Montrealers also slammed the cost of rent, bills, and house prices in the comments section, with many agreeing that the cost of renting, buying, or owning a home is increasingly unaffordable.

A few other things people are giving up might surprise you. For instance, someone mentioned cancelling their landline subscription with Bell because it’s no longer worth it.

Others talked about giving up their snow removal service or even cancelling subscription services like Netflix and magazines.

Overall, it seems Montrealers are being forced to make tough choices, cutting back not only on luxuries but also on essentials and experiences that were once part of daily life.

One person summed the whole feeling up by simply saying, “everything.”

We feel you, buddy!

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