Get ready for an incredible light show! The Orionid meteor shower is set to light up the night sky over Canada this month, and you won’t want to miss it.

Known for its bright meteors, the Orionids are considered one of the most beautiful meteor showers of the year, according to NASA. These shooting stars are actually leftover bits of Halley’s Comet, giving us a stunning display every October.

The Orionids are known for being some of the fastest-moving meteors we see, making for perfect conditions for them to turn into fireballs — intense explosions of light that glow across the sky.

The best part? You don’t need any special equipment to watch it — just find a dark spot, look up, and enjoy the show!

Here’s everything you need to know about the Orionids meteor shower in 2024 and how to watch it in Canada.

What is the Orionid meteor shower?

The Orionid meteor shower happens every year in October, when the Earth passes through debris left behind by Halley’s Comet. These bits of space dust burn up as they hit our atmosphere, creating bright streaks of light in the sky — also known as shooting stars.

According to NASA, this shower is one of the most beautiful and reliable meteor shows of the year, often producing fast, glowing meteors.

When can I see the Orionids in Canada?

The Orionid meteor shower has technically already started, and you might see an Orionid meteor anytime between now and November 22. However, the best night to catch it will be at its peak on the night of October 20 to 21, 2024.

The best time to see it is after midnight, all the way until dawn. You can expect to see around 20 meteors per hour, although that number could be a bit lower this year due to a bright moon. The good news is you can also catch a few meteors in the weeks before and after the peak, so keep an eye on the sky throughout October!

Do I need special equipment to watch?

Nope! You don’t need a telescope or binoculars to enjoy the Orionid meteor shower. In fact, you’re often better off without them so you have a larger view of the whole sky.

Just head to a spot with minimal light pollution, like a park or a more rural area, and let your eyes adjust to the dark. Lying flat on your back with your feet facing southeast will give you the best view. According to NASA, the meteors will streak across the sky from the direction of the Orion constellation, but you don’t need to look in any specific direction to see them.

Where’s the best place in Canada to watch?

To get the best view, find a spot far away from city lights. Dark sky preserves, national parks, or even your own backyard (if it’s dark enough) are great options for some of the best stargazing in Canada. The darker the sky, the more meteors you’re likely to see.

Be sure to bring warm clothes and cozy blankets so you’re ready to wait it out — patience is key, and you’ll need to give your eyes some time to adjust to the darkness for the best shot at catching a shooting star!

What if I miss it?

Don’t worry — the Orionids are active for nearly two months, so you might catch a few meteors even if you miss the peak night. And if you can’t catch this one, there are more meteor showers coming later in the year, like the Taurids and the Geminids!

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