The night sky is a gift, but every once in a while, stargazers will get a front-row seat to something extra special. This September, Canada should gear up for the beginning of the Orionid Meteor Shower, a magical display made possible by Halley’s Comet.

Visible between September 26th and November 22nd, 2024, this spectacular show will dazzle junior astronomers with approximately 23 meteors per hour during its peak on October 20th-21st.

What is the Orionid meteor shower?

Described as “one of the most beautiful”, The Orionid is a can’t-miss event, best known for its occasional fireball.

“Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through debris shed by a comet or asteroid,” explains the Planetary Society.

“They reoccur at about the same time every year, when Earth comes around in its orbit and passes through the debris again.”

This particular shower was created by Halley’s comet and occurs north of constellation Orion’s bright star Betelgeuse every fall.

Our advice? Stay focused!

These particular meteors are bright but speedy!

Luckily, the Canadian Space Agency has a few tips for how to see them!

How to see it

According to the pros, it’s best to head away from city lights.

“To increase your chances of seeing shooting stars, set out in search of dark skies in the countryside,” they write.

“If you need to use a flashlight, place a red filter over the bulb (a red balloon will do in a bind). White light is very blinding and may affect your night vision”

They also suggest dressing warmly and bringing a thermos of hot chocolate or coffee.

“It will come in handy if you start to drift off or get a little chilly,” they continue.

Lastly, be patient!

“It might take a while before you see your first shooting star. Don’t be quick to give up… It’s worth the wait!”

Interested in checking it out? Plan ahead!

It could be something truly amazing.

There’s nothing quite like it!

Orionid Meteor Shower,  Canada

When: Active from September 26th and November 22nd, 2024 (Peak October 20th-21st)

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