Don’t miss your chance to bring home the best titles in the Earth Defense Force franchise for just $25. The Earth Defense Force Collection from Humble combines six Earth Defense Force games and all of their associated DLC into a single package for $25. This bundle skips Earth Defense Force 6, but you’ll still find every other game in the EDF franchise that’s launched since 2015, including its most recent entry, Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2.

The most recent EDF title included in this bundle is Earth Defense Force 5, but you’ll also get Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain, and Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair, along with its 18 DLC packs that feature new weapons and cosmetics to round out your arsenal.

This bundle also includes a few spinoffs from the EDF franchise, including Wingdiver, a vertical-scrolling SHMUP, along with Earth Defense Force: World Brothers and Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2, which replace the arachnophobia-inducing graphics with a chunky, voxel-based art style.

Humble Bundles always set aside a portion of their sales to benefit a nonprofit. This particular bundle benefits Oceana, a foundation dedicated to preserving the world’s oceans via direct action and political legislation. You can adjust how much of your purchase goes to the charity, to the developers, and to Humble by using the “adjust donation” option on the right side of the page and selecting a custom amount.

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