Have you heard the song, “Pilgrims of Hope”?

It is something I am certainly going to add to our community’s hymn repertoire!

Composed to celebrate the Jubilee Year 2025, it is filled with a heart-felt longing for hope as we continue to move through the challenges of the previous years of pandemic, economic strife, mistreatment of migrant people, racism and hatred. Hope is the desire of and the call on the lips of many who are striving to make a difference in society.

Starting in Rome, the Jubilee year begins on Christmas Eve 2024 and then resonates throughout the Christian world as of December 29, 2024.

The composer of “Pilgrims of Hope”, Francesco Meneghello crafts the opening notes of the refrain melody with a beautiful leap into hope. Pierangelo Sequeri words are strikingly heart-felt: “Like a flame my hope is burning”. And then the second phrase leaps higher as we sing: “may my song arise to you”. Melody and text are creatively wed together.

I hope you will listen to this beautiful hymn and make it your own – a prayer to gather the scattered into God’s tender and patient care. Filled with a sense of trust, the Jubilee theme calls us to recover a universal care for one another, refusing to turn a blind eye to the tragedy of rampant poverty. As pilgrims on this earth may we contemplate the beauty of creation and care for our common home. May this year be celebrated with deep faith, lively hope and active charity.

-Sister Loretta Manzara, csj

The song and many other resources may be found here.

Listen to the song here:

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