At a surprise all-hands-on meeting Thursday night in Texas, Tesla CEO Elon Musk rallied up his company’s employees as the brand’s public reputation continues to plummet, Business Insider reports. At the livestreamed meeting, Musk told employees to “hang on to your stock” – which declined in value by 50 percent since December – and promised big things are coming for its Cybercab robotaxi and Optimus humanoid robot.

Musk deflected on the stock drop at the meeting and reiterated promises that Tesla’s autonomous software used for its vehicles’ so-called Full Self-Driving feature, robotaxis, and Optimus bots would bring the company’s value to new heights. “It’s so profound and there’s no comparison with anything in the past,” Musk said. He says they can make about 5,000 Optimus robots this year. “I think we will literally build a legion, at least one legion of robots this year and then probably 10 legions next year,” Musk said.

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