Average rating: 4.1

Yarp! Everything about this film is extraordinary, including the plot, soundtrack, editing, language, twist, and so on. The writing, though, is the highlight. Unlike numerous films, Hot Fuzz does not squander a single line of words. Every single character’s line either foreshadows or refers back to anything earlier in the film. It’s incredible, and it makes the film infinitely re-watchable. There are so many nuances, secrets, and easter eggs to look for that each time you watch it, you will learn something new. Yarp! It’s not simply a hilarious buddy cop film, but every aspect has been meticulously planned for maximum effect, so even if you removed all the humour, it would still be excellent. The comedy merely adds to the enjoyment, and the film is all the better for it. Without a question, this is a masterpiece.” —Cernan Mari

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