For the past year, Uli’s Stairs in Hamilton, ON, have been at the top of my bucket list. As a lover of unique landmarks and outdoor adventures, I had heard whispers of these intriguing stairs and their rustic charm.

I finally had the chance to visit them, and let me tell you, the experience was as unforgettable as I had hoped.

Hidden in the scenic beauty of Hamilton, Uli’s Stairs are not your ordinary set of steps. They were crafted by a local resident named Uli, who embarked on this ambitious project more than 20 years ago.

What sets these stairs apart is their handmade nature, which gives them a character all their own. Constructed from a mixture of rock, random bricks, and concrete, the stairs are undeniably uneven and not built to any formal code, adding to their charm but also their challenge.

The stairs are a total of 140 steps. The first half is gradual and easy, but after starting the second ascent, I found myself climbing up a steep incline that had definitely had me second-guessing myself.

A view from the bottom of Uli’s Stairs. Photo by Ronald Condello.

But I knew the breathtaking views from the top of the surrounding area would be worth the trek.

As I made my way up, I couldn’t help but be struck by the raw, unpolished beauty of the stairs. Downed branches, serving as makeshift railings, lined both sides, and multiple benches and seating areas were thoughtfully integrated into the structure.

These features provide not only a place to rest but also an opportunity to soak in the natural surroundings and appreciate Uli’s craftsmanship.

It’s important to note that Uli’s Stairs are not maintained by the City of Hamilton. In fact, there’s a sign at the top clearly stating that they are used at the climber’s own risk. Though the journey is short, this is not a place for the faint-hearted or those unprepared for a bit of adventure.

Information about Uli's Stairs - Hamilton, Ontario

The steps are uneven and can be treacherous, especially if the weather is less than ideal. During my climb, I almost twisted my ankle several times, making me thankful I thought ahead, wearing proper footwear and choosing a dry day for my visit.

Despite the potential hazards, the reward at the top is worth every cautious step. The panoramic views are nothing short of spectacular. On a clear day, you can see for miles, taking in the lush greenery, cityscape, and Lake Ontario in the distance.

As I reached the top, I took a moment to appreciate the significance of Uli’s Stairs. They represent more than just a physical challenge; they are a piece of local history and a beautiful story of one man’s creativity and perseverance.

Uli’s vision and effort have created a unique landmark that adds to the rich tapestry of Hamilton’s outdoor attractions – like stunning Albion Falls that’s just four minutes down the road.

A view near the top of Uli’s Stairs. Photo by Ronald Condello.

So, if you’re an adventurer at heart, like me, and appreciate handmade, off-the-beaten-path attractions, Uli’s Stairs should absolutely be on your list.

Uli’s Stairs can be found on the Hamilton escarpment near the intersection of Mountain Brow Blvd. and Fennel Avenue.

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