One of Toronto’s longest-standing bakeries has announced that it has officially closed after 32 years.

Famous for their breads and mouthwatering Portuguese desserts, Golden Wheat Bakery said their last goodbye in a heartfelt message on Instagram.

“To our loyal and valued customers. We regret to inform you that after 32 years that Golden Wheat Bakery on College street will close on Sunday March 9 2025,” the owners captioned the post. “It’s been an absolute pleasure being part of the vibrant Little Italy community. We are extremely grateful for all the support throughout the years. Many more thanks to all the employees who were a part of this establishment!”

After more than three decades at 652 College St., the family-owned Golden Wheat Bakery has become the latest much loved  Toronto institution to shut its doors, joining a growing list of long-running businesses forced to close.

In 2012, Patricia Brandaoand and Alcides Laundos opened a second Golden Wheat location on Rogers Road, which remains open

Comments on Instagram quickly poured in from longtime customers, shocked and surprised by the sudden closure.

“I’ve been coming here since I was a kid, I remember getting our birthday cakes from here and coming with my family often. You will be very missed,” posted one Instagram user. 

Others pointed out the rising costs of rent in the city.

“Retail rents in Toronto are up 130 per cent in Toronto since 2025. No wonder small businesses like this one are closing. We need commercial rent control so we can buy locally made custard tarts,” said another.

An owner of another bakery chimed in, sharing her own struggles and stressing the importance of buying and supporting local in these uncertain times.

“I am very sorry you have to close your doors. We are going through difficult times as this economy is not doing well. We hope people will keep buying local and support small businesses. Wishing you the best.”

You can visit Golden Wheat’s remaining location at 579 Rogers Rd.

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