On Season 12 of The Voice, Chris Blue was the very last artist to sing during the Blind Auditions and he filled the final spot on Alicia Keys’ team. He went on to win. He didn’t need a four-chair because he was just that good.

Now, 17-year-old Trevon Dawson from Cole Camp, MO, is hoping for a similar fate. When he performed “Religiously” by Bailey Zimmerman, the high school senior had no idea that all the coaches’ teams were full except for Adam Levine. And Adam Levine had no idea that being the final coach to fill his team was going to be the way he finally got a country singer on Team Adam.

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When Trevon was done singing, he took a deep breath trying to shake off his nerves. And Michael Bublé was so touched by his youth, he just had to hug him.

“I know he’s your guy,” he said to Adam, “but I’ve got to give him a hug.”

Then to Trevon, he said, “Dude, if that’s how you sound when you’re a little nervous, then this dude just got a massive score.”

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Then Michael asked Trevon how long he’d been singing to sound like that, and the teenager replied, “Six years ago, I started performing.”

Adam jumped in, saying, “You’re way together for a 17-year-old.”

Then Michael invited Trevon to bring his family to the stage, and continued, “I’ve got to tell you, so happy for you, so miserable for me. All I can say is, ‘Damn you, Adam,’ and welcome to The Voice and what I think will be the start of a fantastic career.”

John Legend continued the compliments, saying, “I love the shred in your voice. I can’t believe you have it at 17. It’s not natural. It sounds as if you’ve got a lived-in voice. I am excited. I think you’re going to do very well on our show. Congratulations.”

Related: Watch The Voice 4-Chair Turn Artist That Kelsea Ballerini Says Has ‘A God-Given Voice’

“Well, hey, cowboy,” Kelsea Ballerini welcomed him. “You arguably had the highest-stakes performance because our teams were full. There was one spot left for the season, and it is Adam’s. And he is tough because Blake [Shelton] has broken his heart over and over and over again. [Sixteen seasons is] a long time loving a genre that you don’t get to do. Maybe this is fate.”

Then Adam jumped in to speak with his newest and final team member.

“You’re singing a big song and everyone’s going crazy and the experience is a very intimidating one or can be,” he said. “You never let that get the best of it and your voice sailed over the chaos. And to me, the people who end up winning the show are the people whose voices cut through all the noise.”

And then Adam addressed Trevon’s parents, telling them, “You raised this kid right because even with his body language, he was so respectful. I was the only chair that turned. He performed to me. It was like I was the only one in the audience.”

Related: Watch The Voice 4-Chair Turn That Michael Bublé Says Has a Voice Blessed By God

Then back to Trevon, Adam said, “I’m going to take all the no’s I’ve heard from country music and I’m going to pour all of that into you. You could win the show and you’ve got a bright future ahead of you. It’s really good to have you on my team.”

Adam wrapped up the Blind Auditions saying, “Trevon was the perfect person to round out Team Adam. He seemed like a really good kid, and he has a really cool voice that cuts. He has one of these young, country voices that I hear when I listen to the guys who are killing it right now in country music, and I think he can do it. Let’s go show them that I can coach a country artist. I am going to call my friend Blake Shelton and say, ‘Hey, stupid. Help me.’”

The Voice airs Monday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on NBC. Streams next day on Peacock.

Next, Get the Details on The Voice Season 27, Including the Amazing Four-Chair Turns

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