Spring marks the beginning of the astrological New Year, prompting the saying, “New Year, New You.” So, why not consider a bit of spring cleaning? A great place to start is your closet and your style. 

This year, spring brings a surge of potent energy: Mercury Retrograde, Venus Retrograde, and the final eclipse in Aries. While these transits may sound overwhelming, we can readily embrace the new by concentrating on clearing out the old.

Read on for your Spring-style horoscope, inspired by spring’s astrological forecast, written by expert astrologer and stylist Anthony Perrotta.

How does Venus Retrograde Influence Spring 2025 Fashion Trends? 

As an expert astrologer and professional stylist, I help my clients use the cosmic cycles to create fashion updates and track trends. Assisting others in finding the sweet spot of confident self-expression brings me indescribable joy.  

We are amid a Venus retrograde that will conclude on April 12. Venus represents many things, including beauty, value, and worth. When Venus is retrograde, it appears to move backward, prompting us to step outside our usual aesthetics and how we present ourselves

During this period, we should evaluate what makes us feel most authentic and fully embodied. Style isn’t just about what we wear; it’s also about how it makes us feel. Over the next few weeks, be mindful of what you purchase, how you dress, and what you choose to reach for in your closet.

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Expert Astro-Stylist Advice for Spring 2025: Do’s and Don’ts

While this may not be the best time for major updates, it can be beneficial for refining your personal style. Some astrologers believe that cosmetic treatments, haircuts, or drastic changes to your appearance during a Venus retrograde transit aren’t ideal. However, I see Venus retrograde as an invitation to experiment more than usual.

If you want to try a new trend or color, now is the time. If you have pieces in your closet that you’ve been hesitant to wear, go ahead and give them a shot! Consider mixing styles or trying something you typically wouldn’t. Even after the Venus retrograde ends, it will still be in its post-shadow period (influenced by the retrograde) until mid-May, carrying us through most of the Spring season.

Venus will retrograde between the signs of Aries and Pisces. During this time, we can collectively experiment with new types of headwear (Aries) and footwear (Pisces). Ethereal light bluesvibrant buttery yellows, and rich reds will dominate the trends. I recommend trying out some of these colors or experimenting with new silhouettes — combining flowy pieces with structured items or boho styles with an alternative edge. 

My main advice during this period is to avoid buying fragrances, skincare products, or makeup you haven’t tried before. I can’t tell you how many clients of mine regret these purchases during a Venus retrograde!

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Your Spring Style Horoscope for Each Zodiac Sign

Read for your zodiac (or sun sign). Or, for the most alignment, consider your Venus sign, which represents our aesthetics, and your Rising sign, which correlates with our appearance.

NEXT: How You’re Spiritually Gifted, Based on Zodiac Sign

Aries Rising/Sun/Venus

Starting on March 27, Venus will be in your subconscious sector, out of view in some respects, until April 30. During this time, you may not feel like your typical self, question your clothing choices, or wonder whether your style feels aligned. Take this opportunity to edit your wardrobe, clean your closet, and donate items you no longer resonate with. 

This is an ideal time to focus on flowing, comfortable pieces. Shoes are also excellent items to consider during this period. April 7 and April 24 are perfect dates for shoe shopping, as that’s when Venus and Saturn align in Pisces, the sign that rules the feet. 

Avoid making major style purchases for now, if possible. Wait until Venus re-enters Aries at the end of April or, even better, until Venus enters Taurus on June 6. From there, you can best invest your resources according to your taste.

Taurus Rising/Sun/Venus

Venus is your planetary ruler, Taurus, making you more sensitive to Venus retrograde than most. Starting March 27, Venus retrograde back into Pisces, empowering you. Expect to feel in tune with what’s trending or “happening.” 

With Venus in your humanitarian sector, spring is a great time to explore trends. This period motivates you to be an early adopter and stay ahead of the curve. Don’t hesitate to stand out and embrace a more avant-garde style!

Additionally, you may want to seek your friends’ opinions or advice on your style during this time. Feel free to get advice, but don’t let their feedback weigh on you too much if they don’t always love what you’re wearing. Once Venus enters your sign on June 6, shift your focus to investment pieces. For now, strategize your future wardrobe. You might consider taking a shopping break when Venus moves into Aries at the end of April.

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Gemini Rising/Sun/Venus

Venus is at the top of your chart. From March 27 to April 30, it squares your Sun and Venus. Talk about visibility! People are taking notice of you and what you wear. 

This would be an excellent time to wear something that makes you feel like a boss or powerful. Consider attire that is inspiring or aspirational. You may also buy more work-related outfits this Spring, as your public image will factor strongly. Even the most subtle changes will be noticeable to others, as you’ll be perceived with precision. 

You may be re-evaluating your image while Venus is retrograde until April 12. Once Venus re-enters Aries on April 30, you will feel more confident in your overall appearance.

Cancer Rising/Sun/Venus

Venus is in a fellow Water sign from March 27 until April 30, meaning you’re living and loving it up. It’s time to pull out the fun, creative, bold colors, patterns, and clothing. Use this time to be more spontaneous or adventurous with your style. 

Get inspiration from publications, books, movies, or your favorite travel locations. Are you looking to shop for a much-needed vacation or trip? This is the perfect time. You may also want to dress a little out of character or unique. Why not? Venus is making harmonious aspects to your Sun or Venus, dancing in your expansive sphere. Dare to be different! You will focus more on your public image once Venus enters Aries at the end of April. So, use this Spring and the Venus retrograde as playtime.

Leo Rising/Sun/Venus

Since Venus is harshly aspecting your Sun from March 27 until the end of April, your wardrobe might seem uninspired. I encourage you to channel this lack of inspiration or tension into pushing the envelope. 

Focus on the foundations of your wardrobe this Spring. What can you rediscover? Inherited items, family pieces, or treasures from thrift or vintage stores might serve you well. To overcome your style plateau, you could also consider a clothing swap. 

Opt for lingerie, underwear, and intimate clothing that makes you feel sexy or empowered. You’ll feel much more inspired and emboldened once Venus enters Aries again on April 30!

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Virgo Rising/Sun/Venus

Venus will be in your relationship sector from March 27 through the end of April. This is a highly attractive and magnetic time! You are exuding beauty and drawing people in—even if you don’t feel it yourself. Use this period to wear something new that makes you feel beautiful. 

Visibility won’t be hard to achieve. Work with mirrors and perform a self-image ritual to enhance your self-esteem and amplify your sensual magic. You may rely more on others’ opinions, so seek second opinions. If you’re considering hiring a stylist or collaborating with a professional, take action this Spring! 

This is an excellent time for formalwear, dresses, date outfits, or anything that makes you feel more comfortable in your skin. You will receive another significant boost in style when Venus enters Taurus on June 6.

Libra Rising/Sun/Venus

Venus rules you, so this Venus retrograde affects you more than most. Venus will retrograde in Pisces again from March 27 to April 30. Venus is quincunx your Venus or Sun. Therefore, utilitarian pieces will be the name of the game! 

Focus on shopping for staples or everyday wear. This is also a great time to evaluate your athletic wear! Concentrate on items you can wear regularly, whether at work or to enhance your typical wardrobe. Consider organizing your closet as well. 

Your spring style scope emphasizes order. It will help you understand what you currently have and may want or need. Loungewear, shoes, basics, socks, and staple pieces are ideal. Once Venus ends its retrograde on April 12, you’ll feel more inclined and happy to explore fashion. Once it enters Aries again on April 30, you can fully turn up the heat with your style.

Scorpio Rising/Sun/Venus

Venus will be moving through your sphere of creativity and self-expression for most of early spring (from March 27 until April 30, to be precise) before entering Aries. Thereafter, you may be less inclined to try new things. Venus in Pisces is an excellent time to make subtle updates to your overall style.

Focus on items that stand out more. Wear clothing that boosts your confidence or reflects a more playful spirit! Concentrate on trim or minor updates if you want to refresh your hair. Save the more dramatic cuts for the Full Moon in Scorpio in May. 

Use this time to get creative with your looks and experiment with something unexpected. Push the envelope! June 6 brings Venus into Taurus, and your allure will be high. This is another perfect opportunity for personal aesthetics. Between June 6 and July 4, consider hiring a professional or seeking body treatments.

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Sagittarius Rising/Sun/Venus

Starting on March 27, Venus will move through your life sphere before re-entering your creativity sphere on April 30th. Use this time to indulge in what you already love. 

Seek comfort, but make it luxurious. Consider purchasing new pajamas, loungewear, robes, slippers, and underwear. You might also find success with hand-me-downs, thrifting, and repurposed items! Visit the vintage stores. 

If you’ve been cleaning out your closet, consider passing your old clothes down to someone in your family. Once Venus enters fellow Fire sign Aries on April 30, you will feel more ready to step out and be seen! Throughout May, I encourage you to embrace your self-expression. May is the perfect month for you if you’ve been wanting to make a significant change to your hair.

Capricorn Rising/Sun/Venus

Venus will harmoniously connect with your sign on March 27. This is an ideal time to consider technology-related purchases (although Mercury is retrograde until April 7, so it’s best to wait until after that).

You might also want to refresh your accessories. Think about pieces that are more creative, fun, or whimsical. Rings are a great find, as this illumination of your chart is linked to the hands! 

If you’re looking for a new bag, this transit can be particularly helpful, especially if it’s a catchall type. Wear items that encourage you to speak up or express your voice! When Venus enters Taurus on June 6, you’ll feel more in tune with yourself. June is a perfect time to use your style to boost your confidence and make a more significant wardrobe change if you wish.

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Aquarius Rising/Sun/Venus

With Venus entering your money sector on March 27, it’s clear that a shopping spree could be on the horizon! Be cautious of impulsive spending, as Venus retrogrades are known for emotional credit card swiping sprees. You might not fully “see” it in the moment, but you will feel it in the long run.

If you’ve been eyeing a luxury item, research and avoid purchasing it between now and April 12. Aim to buy when Venus is in Taurus, starting June 6. 

Instead, take some time to go through your closet and explore what you already own for inspiration. Venus encourages you to find value in your possessions. Jewelry could be a great purchase this Spring, and staple items you know will have multiple uses. 

You may feel more sociable when Venus moves into Aries at the end of April. Any new items you acquire in the upcoming weeks will be showcased best through May and June. 

Pisces Rising/Sun/Venus

Venus is in your sign, and you are experiencing your Venus return from March 27 to April 30! This is the perfect time to make some updates. 

Focus on wearing what makes you feel attractive, beautiful, and enjoyable. If you want to change your wardrobe, this transit is for you! Significant hair changes should happen after April 12, or you can find charm in revisiting an old look. 

Makeup or skincare adjustments would be excellent choices, too—try to stick to the status quo while Venus is retrograde. During the retrograde, experiment with what you have. 

You will gain more clarity about your style after the retrograde ends on April 12. Venus in Aries will mark a time for solidifying your aesthetic, starting April 30. By mid-May, you’ll feel more confident wearing the items you’ve been experimenting with!

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