St. Patrick’s Day is finally here! The holiday, celebrating Irish pride and heritage, will turn the streets green on March 17. St. Paddy’s Day has gotten a bit of a bad rap for all the drinking involved, but let’s be real: It’s part of what makes it so much fun. Enjoy these St. Patrick’s Day memes with a hefty dose of humor, pour yourself a Guinness, green beer or Shamrock Shake, and get ready to crack up!
Related: Hilarious St. Patrick’s Day Jokes
Funny St. Patrick’s Day Memes
1. You want a happy St. Patrick’s Day? Make it so!
Happy St Patty’s Day everyone! #StPatricksDay #lol #humor #funny #meme
— Humor & Memes (@HumorMemesEnt) January 28, 2018
Related: Is It ‘St. Patty’s Day’ or ‘St. Paddy’s Day’? Here’s the True Irish Way To Shorten St. Patrick’s Day
2. We’ve almost all been there.
Happy #StPatricksDay Drive safe! (this is the truest meme ive ever seen!!)
— iHaMMeR (@iHammer13) March 17, 2018
3. Deep thoughts.
My favorite, I share it every year. Happy St Patrick’s Day #meme #humor #quarantine #stpatricksday #stpattysday
— TeenTotMama (@teentotmama) March 17, 2020
4. Just keep swimming…
DAE get the "Free Track of the Day" from Google Play every day regardless of the artist?
Related: 100 St. Patrick’s Day Puns
5. We see what they did there.
Ah, go on then, give us your best Paddy’s Day jokes, memes, whatever! Since we’re all Irish on St Patrick’s Day 😉☘️🇨🇮🥃#stpatricksday #paddysday #stpaddys #irish #ireland #puns #meme #memes #memesdaily #funny #stpatricks #laughs #lol
— On The Merch (@OnTheMerch) March 17, 2020
Related: This Cheesy Goodness Reuben Dip Will Be the Star of Your St. Patrick’s Day
6. Every little bit counts, right?
Happy #StPatricksDay everyone!
(No, this meme will never get old.)
— Monahven (@monahven) March 17, 2019
7. Oh, the irony!
8. Don’t mind if we do!
Beer Meme Madness! (St Patrick's Day Edition) ☘️😄 #Beer #StPatricksDay #Memes
— Planet Beer (@PLANETBEER1) March 17, 2019
9. Taste the rainbow, indeed!
Happy #StPatricksDay!! 🍀🍀🍀 Be safe and have fun today!
*#LosCabosDrumsticks #SundayFunday #Meme #LOL #GrumpyCat #StPaddysDay— Los Cabos Drumsticks (@loscabossticks) March 17, 2019
10. Should every Guinness pint come with a polygraph on March 17?
You’re not Irish… stop it.#kid #kids #children #teen #parents #parenting #family #dad #daddy #funny #humor #meme #truth #marriage #married #marriedlife #school #food #StPatricksDay
— The Original – They Call Me Daddy (@RealDDsFunhouse) March 18, 2018
11. Someone get Google Translate on the phone.
St. Patrick’s Day Fun Fact. #StPatricksDay2018 #StPattysDay #StPatricksDay #Irish #Ireland #wangchung #band #bands #comedy #funny #meme #memes #parody #satire #parodyaccount #lol #lols #lolz #humor #humour
— Too True Fun Facts (@tootruefunfacts) March 17, 2018
12. Great Scot!
3 years back Doug memed himself and each St Pats day it comes back to haunt… like good memes should. Happy St Patrick's Day all! #stpatricksday #stpattys #stpattysday #scottish #scot #dankmemes
— BLOODNUT (@BloodnutBand) March 16, 2018
13. Almost as fun as goat yoga.
Random Photos: Happy St. Patrick's Day – 12 #Memes at #StPaddysDay #Irish
— MajorGeeks (@majorgeeks) March 17, 2019
14. Show this to your boss and log off at noon. Or 9:00. Whatever.
Cheers to being Irish! 😁🍻🍀 #cute #funny #cartoons #kawaii #food #drink #beer #puns #animation #instavideo #bubbles #lol #memes #stpatricksday #green #cheers #patricksday #paddysday #Irish #lucky #holidays #party #drunk
— AnishaCartoons (@AnishaCartoons) March 17, 2018
Related: It’s Your Lucky Day! Learn All About St. Patrick’s Day: History, Facts, Trivia and Banning Beer?!
15. We’re sure it has!
“Here’s a joke: two Irish people walk out of a bar. It could happen!” 😆🍀 #stpatricksday #irish #humor #someecards #quote #quotes #memes
— Rob Peters (@StandardofTrust) March 16, 2018
16. That’s not too lucky.
lol whats today? #StPatricksDay MEMES
— Shawn G. (@1shawnster) March 17, 2019
17. Point: Jim.
Happy #StPatricksDay
— Know Your Meme (@knowyourmeme) March 17, 2020
18. Technically…
When you’re born to booze..
#StPatricksDay #StPattysDay #Humor #StPatricksDay2020 #Green #StPatricksDayStyle #StPatricksDayFashion #LetsPaddy #PaddyAllDay #IrishYouWereBeer #Meme #DublinTheFun #Shamrocked #Beerstagram #Beer#ILoveBeer #BeerLife #BeerLove #funny #WhatMenWant— nakedarmor (@nakedarmor) March 12, 2020
19. Suddenly, the galaxy doesn’t seem so far away after all.
20. Again, we don’t endorse pinching…but Pepe has a point.
21. Does this remind you of your keto friends?
Related: 10 St. Patrick’s Day Recipes You Can Make in Your Crock Pot—No Crowded Bars Involved
22. We wouldn’t dare.
23. Bragh, Erin go.
24. It counts!
25. Wear it with pride.
26. A true friend to all (except snakes).
27. I’ll take one, too!
Parade/Canva Pro
Up Next:
Related: We Have the 140 Best Irish Blessings and Favorite Irish Sayings for St. Patrick’s Day