Each year the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) presents a showcase of all sorts of new wiz-bang electronics, computer hardware and software innovations. This year it was hosted in Las Vegas at a convention center that encompassed some 2.9 million square feet of displays, showcased over 4,500 presenters and was a short-term second home for some 141,000 attendees with durable walking shoes.
AI innovations, robots, computers, TVs, high-tech cars, you name it, and if it’s in the realm of electronics, it’s usually at CES. As you might imagine, this trade show is a fabulous place for industry professionals, media representatives and major tech big wigs to rub elbows and talk about all the wonders they’ve created.
Of course, CES is also a fantasy land for all of us nerds who want a fevered glimpse at technology we’ll soon be drooling over and spending our hard-earned cash on. Or at the very least, we get to see what the tech companies think we’ll want to spend big on. And it’s that latter discussion point that we here at Plugged In sometimes tap into.
A fair bit of consumer tech is just plain fun. Parents don’t really have much to worry about with the latest phone chargers or kitchen gadgets (both of which are included on this list). But when new AI tools or Wi-Fi-enabled robots come out to play, parents may want a heads up. If privacy is a concern—particularly the privacy of your children—you might not want to purchase the latest camera-equipped ‘bots, no matter how cute they may be.
So, without further ado, here are three coming tech advancements that you may oooh and ahh over … and three that might just leave you wary.
Three Potentially Problematic CES Inventions
A Kid’s Best Robot Friend
What would a tech list be without a robot? TCL (the smartphone, TV and soundbar company) revealed a new robot toy that’s far more than a toy. It’s called AI-ME. Get it? It’s an adorable little robot designed to play and learn with your kids. It’s got little penguin-like flapping arms, blinking digital eyes and interactive cameras and sensors galore. And it can tap into everything from your phone to your home security system if you so desire. Privacy concerns, anyone?
But it’s cute, I guess. Oh, so, so cute. It can fit into its own little smart cart to maneuver around the house with. Kids can even dress AI-ME up in adorable little outfits and cosplay-like fuzzy get ups. (Did I mention it was cute?)
Oh, and to top it all off, AI-ME comes with a separate camera-enabled pin that kids can wear when they’re away from the house. You know, so that AI-ME can watch them and learn from their experience. … There’s absolutely nothing creepy about that!

Your Very Own Anime Yūjin
If you’re an anime enthusiast, then a company called Code 27 is ready to bring your anime bestie dreams to reality. Code 27’s Character Livehouse is in early development and gaining cheers from fans of the genre. It’s sort of a life support, pod-looking device that sits on your desk or table and holds a moving, dancing and talking 3D character rendered in a 1200p display. Owners can download an anime image of their choice and even clone a favorite anime character’s voice. (Currently models can communicate in Japanese, English and Chinese.) And the Character Livehouse takes things from there with its ChatGPT-like functionality. Your anime bud will chat, give you wake up calls, even comment on your tastes in anime.
Hey, anime girls need good friends, too, don’t cha know?
But just like any machine learning chatbot, parents should perhaps exercise a note of caution before purchasing this companion device. After all, you’ll want to be sure your teen’s new anime buddy doesn’t take the place of real-life friends.

One More Creepy Robot
OK, maybe my prejudice is showing through. Yukai Engineering’s Mirumi robot isn’t exactly creepy. In fact, some may think of it as an endearing little addition to their daily life. This furry little critter latches to your backpack or purse strap and stares out at the world with a fuzzy/friendly gaze. But it also has sensors built into its mechanisms, so it might unexpectedly turn to look at your friend or bury its face if touched by a stranger.
I suppose the only concern here is the loss of disposable income. But perhaps folks aren’t ready to have a sensor-laden critter observing their daily movements.
Three Just Plain Fun Innovations from CES

The Phone Toaster
Alright, I’m just messing with you. This isn’t really a toaster. The Swippitt Hub is actually a phone charging device that may make many yell out: Eureka! It can return your phone to peak charge in a matter of seconds. How? Well, it’s designed to work with a special external battery phone case. So, when you insert your phone, the device swaps out the depleted external battery for a fully charged one. It supports the iPhone 14 and later, with Android compatibility coming soon.
And hey, if you put this in the kitchen next to the real toaster, you could grab warm toast and a fresh phone on the run. Just don’t mix them up!

Electronic Artwork
I’ll be honest, this one got an ooh from me. We’ve all seen how some people turn their wall-hanging TVs into a kind of digital art display. But the Pocketbook InkPoster is a little different. It’s a dedicated digital art poster, using color ePaper technology. You choose the size you want, charge it up and use the InkPoster app to select from “thousands of iconic masterpieces and renowned paintings” to display on your wall. No screen glare, no wires, and a single charge lasts for about a year.
My inner art-loving cheapskate is sporting a goofy grin.

The Salty Spoon
The Kirin Salt Spoon makes things, well, taste salty. That’s right, it uses electronic current to supposedly make food taste saltier somehow, without any added sodium. That may not be all that helpful in your average salt-sprinkled world, but for those concerned with salt consumption for health reasons it could be a blessing.
Of course, depending on the price point, buying a spoon for each of your family members might take a bite out of your bank account. And that could leave you with a bitter taste.
Oh well, ain’t tech great!?