Despite looking like Canadian wines, many of your favourite affordable bottles or bag-in-a-box options may be blends of foreign and domestic wine.
Known in the industry as International Domestic Blends, which can contain up to 75 per cent imported bulk wine, these inexpensive selections are often labelled with the names of Canadian wineries, such as Jackson-Triggs and Peller, hence the surprise for consumers. Critics have long contested such packaging is confusing by design.
You need to search the label for the wine’s origin, stated in small print as an “International blend from imported and domestic wines.” It’s a detail many fail to see or understand as they select wine from the shelf.
Wines produced from 100 per cent local grapes will feature the Vintners’ Quality Alliance (VQA) logo or Product of Canada on its label. Labels made under the VQA regulatory and appellation systems, may also declare more specific details of its origin, including region, sub-appellation or specific vineyard name depending on the sources of grapes.
Local wines are often, but not always, shelved separately at liquor stores from foreign blends and other offerings. But international blends produced in this country count as local wines in sales categories captured by the LCBO and BCLDB.
In the Ontario and British Columbia markets, provincially produced non-VQA labels, including in international blends and local wineries opting to work outside of the VQA regulations, outsell locally crafted wines.
According to the Grape Growers of Ontario, the market share for wines sales in Ontario in 2024 was 54.3 per cent international wines, 35.6 per cent International Domestic Blends and other, and 10.1 per cent VQA wines.
Wines of British Columbia figures state that British Columbia made non-VQA wine (mostly international blends) is the best-selling category in the province followed by VQA wine, which accounts for more than 19 per cent of the market (litre sales).
The variety of Canadian and international wine blends on the market attract consumer interest due to their inexpensive prices. That should be their selling opportunity, not that they are camouflaged as local wines.
Now more than ever, Canadians should know what they are buying. If supporting local is important to you, you’ll want to inspect the label before committing to purchase.