Have you ever thought about moving to the country, just so you can get a good night’s sleep? You wouldn’t be the only one. But Toronto doesn’t need to be so loud. There are steps that the City and our councillors can take so that residents can enjoy their homes and communities without the burden of excessive noise. Ingrid Buday, founder of No More Noise Toronto, is sharing the modern solutions to this persistent problem that can save the City money and improve the health and quality of life of every Torontonian.
A personal mission
Ingrid has lived in the same condo for over a decade. In the past few years, she has noticed new loud, ugly noises from passing vehicles. During the pandemic, she was woken up repeatedly and having a harder time working and focusing. She wondered if she was alone in her frustration – it turns out she wasn’t. In just under two years, Ingrid has built a community around noise and is helping people find their voices. Through No More Noise Toronto, she is also helping the City and councillors find solutions to the problem.
We can’t close our ears!
Sound is something we have no defence from, and we all have an individual relationship to. The backfiring of a motorcycle or car may be music to the driver, but it can sound like a gunshot and instill fear and terror in someone else. When unwanted noise invades our homes and living spaces, our sanctuary can begin to feel like a prison.
Sound impacts pets and wildlife as well. Unexpected loud noises such as fireworks traumatize our dogs and cats and cause birds to flee their nests and not return.
Noise is more than just a nuisance
A growing body of evidence has shown that noise pollution severely impacts our physical and mental health, along with our cognitive functioning. One of the biggest impacts is loss of sleep or a decline in sleep quality. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends nighttime noise limits of 40 dBA outside and 30 dBA inside to allow for a restful and restorative sleep. According to TPH’s 2018 report “How Loud is Too Loud”, 92.3 per cent of people in Toronto are trying to sleep at levels 45 dBA (outside) and higher. Since the release of this report, the city has only gotten louder as it continues to grow.
What are some of the solutions?
A large part of the solution is technology. In New York City, noise cameras are used to enforce vehicle noise limits. These cameras automatically and accurately target a loud vehicle – and the tickets are holding up in court. Area sound level monitoring can help ensure that late night businesses are good neighbours, especially as more areas outside of downtown add nightclubs. There are different kinds of sirens and back up beepers that don’t notify those on the 20 th floor that they are in the area. Oslo, Norway has quiet construction.
The other part of the solution is education: letting people know about noise, how it travels, and the harm that can be caused from its excess. Hopefully, with education more people will change their behaviour and foster a culture of consideration and caring for others.
What can people do?
On April 1st , Toronto Public Health is updating the Toronto Board of Health on their 2019 Noise Action Plan. This is a rare opportunity for Toronto residents to speak up for their health, sleep, and quality of life and be heard by the Board of Health.
Through No More Noise Toronto, Ingrid is sharing the lessons she’s learned about the civic engagement process with supporters. Together with national charity Small Change Fund, she is Creating Less Noisy Cities by engaging people and educating them on how to make a difference by getting involved and speaking up. This work is also about building collaborative relationships with city divisions through a data and process-oriented approach – a strategy that has already resulted in several policy wins.
To support this project, you can donate through Small Change Fund and receive a charitable tax receipt.
To learn more about how you can make Toronto a more liveable city, visit NoMoreNoiseToronto.com.