But as a New Yorker, in the absence of suburban Marshall’s and Home Goods (which are undeniably superior, both in vibes and in their selection), I like browsing Martie, a website that sells “surplus” packaged food for a discount. It defines surplus food as overstock that won’t sell in a timely manner, products that have undergone a packaging change, and seasonal foods that have passed their moment — it’s basically the food section at Marshall’s, except easy and online. This is food that would otherwise go to waste, Martie clarifies, so in a way, shopping there is doing good.
I like scrolling through the section of new additions, which is just as idiosyncratic as the shelves at the stores I love: millennial-branded date snacks mingling with grain-free granola bars and spicy dried strawberries. Some brands are recognizable, like Cheerios, Hippeas, and Fishwife, and others are as bizarre as I’d hope, like a line of pet-themed candles. Sometimes, it even has great skincare and home goods.