As if the Toronto Maple Leafs weren’t expensive enough to see, the team has just substantially raised prices for its season-ticket holders, some of them by more than a whopping 20 per cent.
Devotees who have been with the franchise through its decades of failing to clinch a Stanley Cup are so unimpressed by the change that even U.S. outlets are writing about the issue, with one fan telling The Athletic that their seats went from $8,522 for two in the 2024-2025 season to $10,396 for the set in 2025-2026 — a 22 per cent surge.
And, this hefty increase wasn’t for a spot anywhere near the glass, but in the back of the upper bowl, to boot. Those closer to the ice are seeing their tickets almost equally jacked up by double-digits as well, though, with some gold seats now averaging out to $344 more per game ($2,000 more for the season, to a staggering $28,240 total).
While the jump beyond usual inflationary increases was completely unexpected, it’s not exactly surprising given the reputation of Leafs games as being too corporate.
In the last two seasons alone, multiple pundits and even current players have made comments about the crowd’s “embarrassing” lack of enthusiasm, which many believe is due to the arena being overrun with suit types for whom games can be written off as a business expense.
Given that the Leafs are already the priciest team in the NHL to see — at least here at home — this is likely only going to worsen as the costs become too astronomically exorbitant for even the most diehard average fan, some of whom have held season-tickets for years (the resales of which, some argue, increase individual ticket prices as well).
But hey, what’s another few grand to someone who is already happy spending, in some cases, well over $20,000?
Dan Hamilton-Imagn Images